The Transportation Engineering Division is committed to creating a safer, more efficient, and sustainable transportation system. With unwavering dedication, Transportation Engineering plans and coordinates short-term and long-term strategies to improve local and regional mobility. Division responsibilities include implementing measures to reduce collision risks; oversight and management of development impact fee programs; utilizing current transportation management methodologies to optimize traffic flow; ensuring traffic control devices meet current design standards; identifying priority transportation infrastructure improvements, developing comprehensive transportation plans that anticipate future growth and needs; and working with other agencies and organizations to achieve shared transportation goals.
The Division is also responsible for ensuring transportation projects align with local, state, and federal environmental regulations, including securing project permits and negotiating mitigation with the State and Federal environmental resource agencies
Lastly, the Division is responsible for all traffic related efforts, including: collecting and maintaining traffic data; preparing speed and traffic surveys; coordinating with railroad companies regarding railroad crossing improvements; administering Federal Surface Transportation Assistance Act (FSTAA) requirements for trucks within the County's jurisdiction; maintaining and analyzing accident records; pursuing grant opportunities for projects that improve safety and mobility; providing traffic accident litigation support to County Counsel's office; and working with other agencies on traffic matters.
Speed Hump Policy
Implementation Process Flowchart
Speed Hump Policy FAQs
Speed Hump Petition
Speed Hump Neighborhood Signature Form
Tips and Guidelines for Roundabout Users
Highways for LIFE: Modern Roundabouts Video
Roundabouts and Rural Highways