The Countywide Sidewalk Connectivity Plan is focused on improving conditions for people traveling on foot or with mobility devices throughout unincorporated San Joaquin County. By creating a comprehensive inventory of where sidewalks currently exist today, and getting robust feedback from the community, the Plan will identify a prioritized list of locations for future sidewalk and pedestrian projects at locations throughout the County.
Show us what improvements you would like to see! Use the interactive mapping tool to share your comments about walking in your community.
We want to hear from you about:
The Mapping Tool allows you to place your comments at a specific location on a map. You can also interact with comments submitted by other people. If you see a suggestion that you like you can upvote it or add a comment.
The Story Map will be updated as plan development progresses. It will highlight dates for in-person workshops, and other public outreach opportunities.
The Sidewalk Connectivity Plan is being led by the San Joaquin County Department of Public Works. This project is made possible thanks to a grant from the Caltrans Sustainable Transportation Planning program.
Please contact Marilissa Loera at with any questions about the project