On May 14, 2024, the final Country Club Boulevard Complete Streets Plan was presented to the Board of Supervisors.

The PowerPoint and the Final Plan can be found here:

About The Plan

San Joaquin County Department of Public Works (SJCDPW) is developing a Complete Streets Corridor Plan for a one-mile-stretch of Country Club Boulevard between Pershing Avenue and Plymouth Road. A new Corridor Plan will create a community-driven vision for multimodal improvements while creating an identity for this unique corridor.

Project Location Map

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Community Events

Madison Elementary School Cafeteria on September 27, 2023 from 6:00PM to 7:30PM

The final of three community workshops was held to present two conceptual design alternatives for review and input, and included a discussion on special district and business improvement district assessments by residential and business property owners for consideration. The workshop included a brief PowerPoint presentation that was led by project staff and an informal open house that allowed attendees to ask questions, and vote on preferences..

Madison Elementary School Cafeteria on May 18, 2023 from 6:00PM to 7:30PM

The second of three community workshops was held to solicit feedback from residents on concepts proposed for Country Club Boulevard. The workshop included a Complete Streets PowerPoint presentation that was led by project staff and an informal open house that allowed attendees to participate in various hands-on information gathering hub stations, interaction with a large complete streets mock-up floor display, and discussion of the potential establishment of a Business Improvement District.
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st bernadette

St. Bernadette's Church on March 26, 2023 from 9:00AM to 12:00PM

The second of two small community gathering pop-up events was held to solicit feedback from residents.

Madison Elementary School Cafeteria on February 2, 2023 from 6PM to 8PM

A community workshop was held to discuss the future of Country Club Boulevard. SJCDPW introduced the Corridor Plan, presented existing conditions, discussed opportunities for infrastructure improvements, and sought public input.



Weberstown Mall Sunday Farmers Market on December 18, 2022 from 8AM to 1PM

This event was the first of two small community gathering place pop-up events to educate the community on the project and obtain feedback.