Ron Freitas
District Attorney

California Victim
Compensation Program (CalVCP)

Victims of crime often have emotional, financial or physical losses. The California Victim Compensation Program is a reimbursement program to assist victims in paying bills and expenses that result from certain violent crimes. The CalVCP qualifying crimes include:

  • Domestic Violence
  • Child Abuse
  • Assault
  • Sexual Assault
  • Robbery
  • Homicide
  • Molestation
  • Drunk Driving
  • Vehicular Manslaughter
Benefits are also available to “derivative” victims.
Committee Assignments
General Eligibility Requirements:
  • Documentation that a crime has occurred
  • Claimant cannot, at any time, be a contributor to or involved in the commission of the crime
  • An application is filed within three years from the date of crime, or an explanation is provided as to why it was not filed on time
  • Claimant is cooperating with law enforcement agencies in the apprehension and conviction of the criminal(s) who committed the crime
  • Claimant cannot be on felony probation, on parole, in jail or in Prison
Covered Expenses by CalVCP:
  • Medical/Dental treatment
  • Mental health services
  • Income loss
  • Relocation
  • Home/Vehicle modifications
  • Home security
  • Crime scene cleanup
  • Job retraining
  • Funeral & burial expenses
  • Relocation

Loss of support (for dependents when a victim is killed or disabled because of a crime)

There are limits on how much can be paid for each loss.

How To Apply

For assistance with CalVCP applications, you may contact the SJC Victim Witness Program at (209) 468-2500 to schedule an appointment. Another option is to log on to to fill out and submit an application, or call 1-800-777-9229 to request an application by phone.

Gabriela Jaurequi
Program Manager

222 E. Weber Ave., Stockton
1st Floor, Room 101
Phone: (209) 468-2500
Fax: (209) 468-2521