Welfare Exemption

The Welfare Exemption is available for the following property type if owned and operated by nonprofit religious, hospital, scientific, or charitable entities who are operating for the following purposes:

  • Property used exclusively for religious, hospital, scientific, or charitable purposes
  • Property used exclusively for schools up to college level
  • Property used exclusively for nursery schools
  • Property used exclusively for non-commercial, educational FM stations or educational television stations
  • Property that is financed by HUD and used exclusively for housing and related facilities for low/moderate-income elderly or people with disabilities
  • Property used exclusively for rental housing for lower-income households
  • Property used exclusively for emergency or temporary shelter for homeless people
  • Property used exclusively for housing and related facilities for employees of religious, hospital, scientific, or charitable organizations if the use is necessary for the operation of the organization
  • Charitable purposes include educational purposes, which means those purposes and activities for the benefit of the community as a whole

A Claim for Welfare Exemption form must be properly completed and filed annually by February 15 with the Assessor. Claims filed February 16 - December 31 may receive a partial exemption for that year. For due dates which fall on Saturday, Sunday or Holiday, documents will be considered timely if filed by close of the next business day.