There are 112 allocated positions in the Office of the Assessor-Recorder-County Clerk. 87 full-time employees in the Office of the Assessor, and 25 in the Office of the Recorder-County Clerk.
- Provides administrative support and project management
- Provides staff services, including the processing and maintaining of personnel, payroll and attendance records
- Develops and manages the department’s budget
- Administers health and safety programs
Mapping/Information Systems/GIS
- Provides systems planning, development, management, and maintenance
- Provides information systems support and project management
- Acquires hardware and software
- Updates and maintains maps
- Verifies situs address information
- Conducts ownership research
- Manages information distribution
- Maintains geographic information systems
- Researches and processes data requests
Real Property
- Values residential, commercial, industrial, and agricultural properties
- Values land conservation contracts, farmland, and security zone contracts
- Values possessory interests
- Values gas and oil properties
- Values mineral resources and reserves
- Prepares real property assessments
- Maintains real property files
Business Property
- Values taxable personal property
- Audits and values business property
- Audits property declarations
- Values boats and aircraft
- Prepares and maintains personal property assessments
Standards Division
- Develops and maintains office manuals and procedures
- Monitors assessment litigation and legislation
- Provides for administration of property tax regulations, rules, and reports
- Performs internal audits
- Processes exemption claims
- Reviews complex changes in ownership and legal entities
- Audits employee property declarations
- Processes and maintains changes in ownership
Recorder-County Clerk
- Maintains public records
- Records documents
- Files fictitious name statements
- Verifies recording requirements of documents submitted in person or by mail
- Issues and registers marriage licenses, vital statistics and other public documents
- Processes notary bonds and notices of determination
- Registers process servers and professional photocopiers
- Processes unlawful detainer and legal documents assistants
- Provides in-person services to the public
- Searches and copies public records
- Receives passport applications on behalf of the U.S. Department of State