The San Joaquin County Assessor-Recorder-County Clerk is an elected official, governed by the California Constitution, the laws passed by the Legislature and the rules adopted by the State Board of Equalization.
The Office of the Assessor:
- Discovers all assessable property
- Inventories and lists all taxable property
- Values the property
- Enrolls the property on the local assessment roll
The Office of the Recorder-County Clerk:
- Records and maintains official records; maps for real property; and birth, marriage, and death records
- Files fictitious name statements
- Verifies recording requirements of documents submitted at the counter or by mail
- Issues marriage licenses
- Processes notary bonds and notices of determination
- Registers process servers and professional photocopiers
- Processes unlawful detainer and legal documents assistants
- Assists the public at the counter
- Searches and copies public records
- Receives passport applications on behalf of the U.S. Department of State