Preliminary Change of Ownership Report
- Form Number: BOE-502-A
- Submission Deadline: N/A
- Topics: Assessor, Change of Ownership
- Last Updated: May 2021
General Information
To be completed by the transferee (buyer) prior to a transfer of subject property, in accordance with section 480.3 of the Revenue and Taxation Code. A Preliminary Change of Ownership Report must be filed with each conveyance in the County Recorder’s office for the county where the property is located.
Please answer all questions in each section, and sign and complete the certification before filing. This form may be used in all 58 California counties. If a document evidencing a change in ownership is presented to the Recorder for recordation without the concurrent filing of a Preliminary Change of Ownership Report, the Recorder may charge an additional recording fee of twenty dollars ($20).
NOTICE: The property which you acquired may be subject to a supplemental assessment in an amount to be determined by the County Assessor. Supplemental assessments are not paid by the title or escrow company at close of escrow, and are not included in lender impound accounts. You may be responsible for the current or upcoming property taxes even if you do not receive the tax bill.