(Stockton, CA) - On September 26, 2022, San Joaquin County will begin repairs on the embankment for the westbound approach to the Howard Road Bridge over San Joaquin River. This bridge serves as direct access to the Union and Roberts Islands from Interstate 5.
During the 2017 storm events, the embankment on northeast side of the bridge eroded, causing a 100-foot-wide and 30-foot-high section of the side slope to be displaced. To prevent further erosion and failure of the embankment and adjacent roadway approach, the County restored the displaced material. However, this repair was only a temporary measure while the County pursued federal funds for a permanent fix.
The embankment repair will primarily consist of reconstructing the side slope with layers of compacted soil over engineered mesh, which will increase the embankment’s resilience to movement/erosion. Additionally, the pavement of the adjacent eastbound and westbound lanes will be reconstructed with new pavement material. Construction is expected to be completed within seven weeks.
To facilitate construction activities while accommodating the motoring public, one 13-foot-wide lane will be available for both directions by alternating traffic in each direction for motorists and non-oversized vehicles. The alternating one-way traffic will be available for the majority of the project duration and will be controlled by temporary signals during work and non-work hours.
Drivers should anticipate 10-minute delays during work hours and 5-minute delays during nonwork hours. Work hours will be from approximately 6:30 am to 6:30 pm, Monday through Friday, with occasional work on the weekend. Short-term road closures, up to two days, are anticipated to reconstruct the adjacent pavement. During a full closure, drivers would experience a detour of up to 13 miles and delays of approximately 15 minutes.
“The County understands this reconstruction project will lead to some inconvenience and we appreciate the public’s patience while we restore this critical stretch of roadway,” said District 3 Supervisor, Tom Patti. “These long-awaited repairs will not only result in a safer road over the long-term but will also prevent costly and time-consuming detours due to future erosion.”
The Project is funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (FEMA HMGP), which is a federal emergency fund for unexpected disasters. As part of the County’s outreach to discuss the Project’s traffic impacts, the County shared information about the project with stakeholders in the vicinity and the San Joaquin Farm Bureau Federation.
A Pre-Construction Public Informational Meeting (Open House) will be held on Monday, September 12, 2022, from 5:30 to 7:00 pm, at the Roberts - Union Farm Center, located at 4925 Howard Rd, Stockton. Residents are encouraged to participate to learn more about the Project. Representatives from San Joaquin County and its construction team will be available to provide information regarding the Project and answer any questions.
The project team will provide regular updates during construction through San Joaquin County and Public Works Department social media channels and on the County website at sjgov.org. Community members may subscribe to receive regular notifications by emailing PWHowardRepairs@sjgov.org or inquire about the project by calling Awni Taha, Engineering Services Manager, at (209) 468-3036.
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