(Tracy, CA) - On September 12, 2022, San Joaquin County will begin construction of a permanent one-lane roundabout at the intersection of Byron and West Grant Line Roads. The project is funded by the federal Highway Safety Improvements Program and local Measure K half-cent sales tax. Along with providing congestion relief, the project will improve traffic operations and safety.
In 2018, the County installed a temporary roundabout to help reduce vehicular collisions at the intersection of Byron and West Grant Line Roads. The success of the temporary roundabout has led to the replacement of the existing facility with a permanent one-lane roundabout. The new facility will include enhanced features such as raised concrete medians and center island, a traversable concrete truck apron, street lighting, separated pathways for bicycles and pedestrians, and low-maintenance hardscaping.
“Since its installation four years ago, the temporary roundabout has proven to be successful in reducing injury-related collisions and efficiently directing traffic through the intersection,” said District 5 Supervisor Robert Rickman. “The County is excited about permanently installing this safety and traffic operations enhancement,” added Rickman.
To facilitate construction activities while accommodating the motoring public, the project will be constructed in multiple stages. The first stage of work is expected to commence on September 12th and will primarily consist of pavement widening and the installation of temporary traffic barriers and devices. Stage 1 is expected to be completed by September 21, at which time West Grant Line Road will be closed to through traffic. Byron Road will remain open at all times during construction. Detour signage will be posted prior to the start of the closure. Drivers will be directed to utilize Byron Road and Hansen Road (north of West Grant Line Road) as alternative routes.
Overall project construction is expected to be completed by the end of December 2022. Construction activities will be performed Monday through Friday, from 7 am to 7 pm, with occasional work on the weekend. Night work is expected to be unnecessary; however, residents will be notified in advance of any scheduled night work. Access to driveways within the project limits will be maintained with minimal interruption.
A Pre-Construction Public Informational Meeting (Open House) will be held on Thursday, September 8, 2022, from 5:30 to 7:00 pm, at the Mountain House Community Services District Boardroom, located at 251 East Main St, Mountain House. Residents are encouraged to participate to learn more about the project. Representatives from San Joaquin County and its construction team will be available to provide project information and answer any questions.
The project team will provide regular updates during construction through San Joaquin County and Public Works Department social media channels and on the County website at sjgov.org. Community members may subscribe to receive regular notifications by emailing PWroundabout@sjgov.org or calling the Project Hotline at (209) 591-5113 for any Project-related inquiries.
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