Assistant San Joaquin County Registrar of Voters (ROV) Olivia Hale told the Board of Supervisors today that 92,314 ballots have been tabulated in the County. Another 16,602 unprocessed ballots remain including vote-by-mail ballots (VBM); provisional ballots; conditional voter registration provisional ballots; and unprocessed ballots that are damaged, need to be remade, or require further review.
“With a projected voter turnout of 28 percent, this is expected to be the lowest turnout in San Joaquin County history,” said San Joaquin County Assistant Registrar of Voters, Olivia Hale. “Much of that has to do with voter fatigue from the gubernatorial recall election and the nature of mid-term elections where participation is frequently lower than in general or presidential elections.”
Ms. Hale told the Board that only 6,731 people, or 1.75 percent of San Joaquin County’s registered voters, went to a polling place to vote. She said the ROV’s office received 101,922 VBM ballots, including 59,468 or 58 percent on the week of the election. In addition, Hale said approximately 30 percent of VBMs, or roughly 90,000 individual cards, required duplication because at least one barcode was printed blurry and did not scan properly. This required extra staff to duplicate the blurry ballots and tabulate them using a two-person authentication process which delayed the time the ROV’s office could report updated election results.
“With the tremendous response from San Joaquin County Department staff and community members who stepped in to assist in the ballot duplication and tabulation process, we are caught up and well on our way to certifying the election before the statutory deadline of July 7, 2022. I want to thank everyone who has worked around the clock to ensure the transparency and integrity of this election, especially as we are still coping with the tragic loss of ROV Heather Ditty,” Hale noted.
- Today’s ROV Board of Supervisors presentation can be found here.
- Future ballot postings will occur every Tuesday by approximately 9:00 p.m. until all votes are tabulated before the statutory deadline of July 7, 2022.
- Visit this LINK for the most up-to-date election results.
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