San Joaquin County Responds to Micke Grove Zoological Society Press Release
November 10, 2021

(Stockton, CA) - In response to a recent news release by the Micke Grove Zoological Society, San Joaquin County made the following statement to further clarify the facts surrounding exhibit improvements at Micke Grove Zoo:

“The San Joaquin County Board of Supervisors recently agreed to a legal settlement resulting in the Zoological Society transferring donations that it previously received on behalf of Micke Grove Zoo in the amount of $650,881 to the County for the support of the Zoo. As agreed upon, these donations will be dedicated to improvements and upgrades at three possible animal habitats at the Micke Grove Zoo: the Lemur Island and Den, the Mediterranean Aviary, or the Reptile/Amphibian Exhibit. The County will retain all policy-making decisions regarding the Zoo and provide fiscal oversight prior to expending these donations toward one or all of the agreed upon exhibits.

The County remains committed to preserving the Micke Grove Zoo, a 63-year-old facility, which is well known to generations of community members. On February 23, 2021 the Board of Supervisors approved a 5-Year Strategic Plan for the Micke Grove Zoo, that included seven priority topics: Infrastructure, Exhibits, Guest Experience, Non-Profit Partner, Revenue, Accreditation and a Volunteer Program.

On behalf of the County, we would like to thank the individuals that donated to the Micke Grove Zoo. These donations will assist the County in revitalizing a beloved community treasure with an emphasis on animal welfare and updates to those specific exhibits that have been well-liked by visitors.”
