(Stockton, CA) - The San Joaquin County Community Development Department, in collaboration with the Public Works and Environmental Health Departments has completed a guidance document to assist our restaurant and winery businesses in the Unincorporated County to meet social distancing requirements as required by the San Joaquin County Health Officer and/or the Governor.
On July 13, 2020, Governor Newsom required counties that are on the County Monitoring list to shut down additional industries, such as restaurants, wineries and bars, unless they can be modified to operate outside or by pick-up. To implement the new State order issued by Governor Newsom today, San Joaquin County Public Health Officer Dr. Maggie Park signed an updated County Stay-At-Home Order which requires indoor services at restaurants and wineries that serve to move their operations outdoors.
“The San Joaquin Board of Supervisors recognizes the importance of our restaurants and wineries and the impact this job sector has on the local economy,” said San Joaquin County Board of Supervisors Chair, Kathy Miller “The Board has provided direction to the county departments to draft flexible guidance measures that would be consistent with social distancing requirements to ensure that these businesses can continue to thrive in San Joaquin County while maintaining the health and safety of local residents.”
Many restaurants and wineries (tasting rooms) conduct their business indoors and the County has provided a guidance document (http://sjgov.org/commdev “GUIDANCE FOR OUTDOOR SEATING (7-15-20)” under the Information section on the page) which provides flexibility to provide for their seating and/or eating areas outdoor without the need for any additional permits on private property. This includes all of the seating or winery tasting room areas that a business previously used indoors. The guidance also addresses the flexibility in the use of tents, and hours of operations outdoors.
If a restaurant or a winery desires to use the public right of way for their operations, these businesses can contact our Public Works Department at (209) 468-3000 for a streamlined permit process.
The addition of food service in these outdoor areas is also allowed and supported with an approved kitchen and any additional questions can be answered by the Environmental Health Department at (209) 468-3420.
It is also important to contact the appropriate state agencies to ensure that their Permits support the local guidance.
David Kwong, Director of the Community Development Department stated, “I am pleased that my colleagues and I were able to provide guidance and flexibility to these industries at a time when they need clear guidance to keep their businesses running while also protecting public health by maintaining social distancing measures.”
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