County Administrator
San Joaquin County Supports Winter Shelter Operations
December 6, 2019

(STOCKTON, CA) – As a result of Board directing County staff, at the November 19, 2019 Board meeting, an additional $227,062 will be received by the Stockton Shelter for the Homeless and the Gospel Center Rescue Mission to address the temporary expansion of emergency shelter operations during the period of December 1, 2019 through March 31, 2020.

The Homeless Emergency Task Force led and coordinated the proposal requesting support and funding to implement a cold weather winter shelter plan.

Following a staff review of the proposed budgets, the following funding has been made available:

  • $160,040 from the San Joaquin County Health Care Services, through its Whole Person Care pilot. These funds will pay for items such as blankets, meals, sleeping mats, dumpsters and portable toilets.
  • $67,022 from San Joaquin County Community Development Department through the HUD grants administered by Neighborhood Preservation. These funds will be used to purchase meals, showers, clothing and utilities.

“These funds will continue the Board’s support of the San Joaquin Continuum of Care priorities and address the funding request and appreciation of the Homeless Emergency Task Force,” stated Chairman Villapudua. “As we enter the winter months, essential services along with safe and adequate shelter are critical to provide care in our community.”
