Human Resources
San Joaquin County Provides an Update on Labor Negotiations with the Deputy Sheriff Association
August 16, 2019

(Stockton, CA) - In response to recent public inquiries, San Joaquin County officials want to inform residents about the status of contract negotiations with the Deputy Sheriff Association (DSA), who represents approximately 302 peace officers in San Joaquin County.

“Current contract negotiations have not led to a unanimous agreement, and in spite of 25 bargaining sessions over the past four and a half years, the County and the DSA are now in mediation,” noted San Joaquin County Administrator, Monica Nino.

The details of the negotiations include the following:

The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the County and the DSA expired June 30, 2015. During the term of the MOU (September 2007 to June 2015), DSA members received a 27.5% wage increase.

Negotiations between the County and DSA for a new MOU started on February 20, 2015, four months prior to the expiration of the agreement.

Approximately 25 bargaining sessions have been held between DSA and the County.

In January of 2019, the Union provided the County with a salary survey showing our Deputy Sheriff’s current total compensation is more than 5 percent above the average of comparable counties.

The County provided the Association a Last, Best, and Final Offer on February 28, 2019. A key component of the County’s Last, Best, and Final Offer is that DSA members pay the same level towards their retirement and health insurance as the majority of other County employee groups.

The County and DSA entered into mediation with two sessions held (July 30 and August 15, 2019).

The County’s last proposal contained an offer for wage increases totaling 5 percent over three years, a new longevity pay supplement, and converts a salary based supplement from a percentage to a flat amount. Total ongoing annual cost $1.2 million and cost of a 36 month agreement is $2.9 million.

The Union’s last proposal contained an offer for wage increases totaling 6 percent over three years, a significantly higher longevity pay supplement, and continues salary based supplements as a percentage of base salary. Total ongoing annual cost $2.5 million and cost of a 36 month agreement is $8.7 million.

“San Joaquin County remains hopeful to reach an agreement with the DSA on a replacement agreement,” Nino said. “We are taking thorough steps to explore reasonable solutions that are fair to our valued DSA peace officers while staying  mindful of our overall budget and taxpayer dollars.
