The Glassy-winged Sharpshooter is a non-native mobile pest with a wide potential host range that is a known vector of several serious diseases affecting various agricultural crops in California. The members of the San Joaquin
County Glassy-winged Sharpshooter Task Force developed this Strategic Action Plan as a cooperative effort to provide a framework for the members of the Task Force to coordinate activities relating to the Glassy-winged Sharpshooter within San Joaquin County.
The goals of this Task Force include developing mutually beneficial partnerships with agricultural industry stakeholders, the research community, other task forces, and government agencies, in such activities as education, training, and public outreach.
The San Joaquin County Glassy-winged Sharpshooter Task Force Strategic Action Plan is also meant to provide guidelines for decisions on cooperative activities between Task Force members and the industry regarding surveying and monitoring, identification,
delimitation and available control options in the event of the GWSS being found in San Joaquin County.
This Strategic Action Plan does not mandate any activities, regulatory actions, or expenditures by Task Force members or anyone else involved
or affected.
The San Joaquin County Glassy-winged Sharpshooter Task Force (SJC GWSS Task Force) will be comprised of representatives from the Lodi-Woodbridge Winegrape Commission, commodity groups (almond, stone and pome fruit, Lodi
District Grape Growers), the nursery industry, the California Association of Professional Crop Consultants (CAPCA), the Pest Control Operators of California (PCOC), California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA), the Chamber of Commerce, the University
of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE), the San Joaquin County Farm Bureau, and the County Agricultural Commissioner (CAC). Other groups will be identified and invited to join the Task Force as involvement in the implementation of this Strategic Action
Plan increases.
San Joaquin County GWSS Task Force program leadership will be provided through its Steering Committee. The Task Force may establish [temporary or standing] subcommittees to address specific items (such as budget development,
industry training, or public outreach).
The Steering Committee will be composed of, but not limited to, three representatives from commodity groups, and representatives from the UCCE, the Farm Bureau, and the CAC. The Steering Committee will
coordinate meetings and organize the details of implementation of the various aspects of the Strategic Action Plan. Decisions involving action items in this plan will be made by the full membership of the Task Force.
This Strategic Action Plan
may be amended by the San Joaquin County GWSS Task Force as new information and protocols are developed by CDFA and the research community (such as the development of biological agents or other control measures).
The San Joaquin County GWSS Task Force has and will continue to coordinate partnerships and activities related to GWSS in San Joaquin County, including those with commodity groups, other local ag-related
industries (PCA's, PCO's, etc.), CDFA, other counties, and regional task forces.
The San Joaquin County Task Force may develop research partnerships with the University of California and others involved with GWSS research projects.
All suspected GWSS specimens will be sent to the CAC for identification and confirmation by CDFA. UCCE and other San Joaquin County Task Force members will notify the CAC if a specimen comes to them first.
Joaquin County Task Force members will develop an educational outreach program for the agricultural and the non-agricultural communities to increase awareness of GWSS.
The San Joaquin County Task Force will coordinate and conduct GWSS workshops
to train local PCA's, PCO's, ag industry, and key local public agencies on topics that may include, but are not limited to, Pierce's Disease (PD) and GWSS identification, hosts, and the protocol to follow as stated in this Strategic Action Plan.
A resource list of local contacts will be developed by the CAC and made available to growers, other ag industry, and the public. This list should include, but not be limited to, members of LWWC, local PCA's, CDFA, UCCE/County Farm Advisor, and CAC staff.
The San Joaquin County GWSS Task Force will coordinate outreach with the media to educate the public on PD/GWSS and the San Joaquin County Strategic Action Plan.
UCCE and CAC will distribute GWSS educational materials as part of an
outreach program to the ag industry and the public. These materials will be distributed at such places as commodity meetings, commodity fairs, schools, retail nurseries, etc.
CAC will send PD/GWSS information to all San Joaquin County growers
of record.
CAC/UCCE will work cooperatively to inform local PCA's and PCO's of new developments in surveying, detection and control of PD/GWSS.
Research and educational information may be gathered by UCCE/CAC in a clearinghouse arrangement
so that helpful information is available to all San Joaquin County Task Force members.
All suspected GWSS specimens will be sent to the CAC for identification and confirmation by CDFA. UCCE and other San Joaquin County Task Force members will notify the CAC if a specimen comes to them first.
CAC will
inspect all county pest detection traps for GWSS.
CAC will seek permission to place detection traps at all SJC wineries to provide additional monitoring for GWSS.
CAC will coordinate and perform visual surveys of nurseries and high-risk
agricultural production acreage. In nursery surveys the highest priority will be given to nurseries regularly receiving plants from GWSS infested areas.
Organizations within San Joaquin County which do insect monitoring, such as the Lodi-Woodbridge
Winegrape Commission, pest control companies, and the CAC, are encouraged to work with the San Joaquin County Task Force and share surveying or monitoring records.
CAC and UCCE will inform PCA's who regularly monitor orchards and vineyards
for pests about CDFA GWSS detection and treatment protocols as they are developed.
A subcommittee from the Task Force may be formed to look into possible future infestation scenarios and generate suggestions for contingency plans for Task Force membership consideration.
CAC will notify all San
Joaquin County Task Force members immediately upon CDFA confirmation of a GWSS find in the County.
CAC will notify CDFA PD/GWSS regional contact staff when GWSS is found.
CAC will notify the owner of the property where GWSS is found.
San Joaquin County GWSS Task Force will immediately convene upon a confirmed GWSS detection to discuss and coordinate an appropriate course of action. The criteria which the San Joaquin County Task Force uses to determine the appropriate course
of action may include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Time of year found
- Proximity and amount of potential host material
- Biology of the GWSS and/or disease found
- The location of the GWSS (ex: a vineyard, nursery, orchard, or urban private property)
- Number of GWSS found
The San Joaquin County Task Force will seek cooperation from the property owner(s) where PD and/or GWSS are found.
CAC will seek permission from the property owner(s) to conduct a delimitation survey in the area of the GWSS find.
will delimit GWSS infestations and place traps as required with UCCE assistance.
UCCE will advise and provide guidelines, if available, regarding GWSS control to PCA's where GWSS is found.
CAC will work with CDFA to provide biological
control agents as they become available.
CAC will re-inspect and continue to survey the area(s) where GWSS is found under the protocol developed by the San Joaquin County Task Force.
CAC will coordinate efforts with other CAC's on
PD/GWSS management plans and will update the San Joaquin County Task Force as information is obtained.
If GWSS is found in an area immediately adjacent to another county, CAC will notify the neighboring Agricultural Commissioner to coordinate
delimitation and control efforts through the San Joaquin County Task Force.
CAC will work with the California Department of Pesticide Regulation (CDPR) to expedite Section 18 approval of imidachloprid (Admire, Provado) and any other products
which CDFA and CDPR would approve for PD and/or GWSS control.
CAC will work with CDFA and CDPR to identify current pesticides that control GWSS and determine if affected commodities are on the label.
The San Joaquin County Task Force will work to gain the cooperation of the property owner to address all PD/GWSS pest concerns.
San Joaquin County Task Force members will work together to identify available resources and funding.
Funding sources may be identified for those growers or property owners who are unable to afford the costs of
a control operation.
San Joaquin County GWSS Task Force members may require additional staff hours for survey and detection activities and additional public outreach to meet the final requirements of this action plan, depending upon the CDFA
protocol to be established. Members may also incur additional costs for rental of meeting facilities for workshops, outreach mailings, printing brochures and posters, and for purchasing additional trapping equipment.
The San Joaquin County
Task Force will seek funding for the activities listed above. The activities listed in this Strategic Action Plan will be performed to the extent that funding is available.
Seed money may be pledged by members of the San Joaquin County Task
Force to jumpstart the process.
In-kind contributions will be recognized.