Emergency Medical Services


EMS Advisory Committee

The EMS Advisory Committee is a multi-disciplinary, stakeholder represented committee established to discuss, review, provide input, and make recommendations to the EMS Medical Director and the San Joaquin County Emergency Medical Services Agency (SJCEMSA) on matters related to policy and procedures with the purpose to enhance the delivery and effectiveness of prehospital emergency medical services. EMS Advisory Committee meets quarterly on the second Thursday of February, May, August, and November. This meeting is not open to the public.

DateTimeLocationAgenda Minutes
Nov 10, 20229am - 11amSJGH Conference Room 1a/bNov. 22Nov. 22
Feb 9, 20239am - 11amRobert J. Cabral Agricultural Center, Calaveras RoomFeb. 23Feb. 23
May 11, 20239am - 11amRobert J. Cabral Agricultural Center, Calaveras RoomMay 23May 23
Aug 10, 20239am - 11amRobert J. Cabral Agricultural Center, Calaveras RoomAug. 23Aug. 23
Nov 9, 20239am - 11amRobert J. Cabral Agricultural Center, Mokelumne RoomNov. 23
Draft Nov.23
Feb 8, 20249am - 11amSan Joaquin General Hospital, Conference Room 2Feb. 24Draft Feb. 24
May 9, 20249am - 11amRobert J. Cabral Agricultural Center, Assembly Room 1May 24Draft May 24
Aug 8, 20249am - 11amRobert J. Cabral Agricultural Center, Assembly Room 1Aug. 24Draft Aug. 24
Nov 14, 20249am - 11amRobert J. Cabral Agricultural CenterNov. 24 
Feb 13, 20259am - 11amTBD  
May 8, 20259am - 11amTBD  
Aug 14, 20259am - 11amTBD  
Nov 13, 20259am - 11amTBD  


Membership RoleAgency NameName of Representative
EMS Medical DirectorSJCEMSADr. Katherine Shafer, M.D.
EMS Administrator SJCEMSAJared Bagwell
ED RN Liaison (Base)San Joaquin General HospitalNasir Khan
ED RN Liaison (Receiving)St. Josephs Medical CenterCheryl Heaney-Ordez
ED RN Liaison (Receiving)Sutter Tracy Community HospitalErica Lowry
EOA Ambulance ProviderAmerican Medical ResponseBrian Hajik
EOA Ambulance ProviderEscalon Community AmbulanceVanessa Herrero
EOA Ambulance ProviderManteca District AmbulanceJonathan Andrews
EOA Ambulance ProviderRipon Consolidated Fire DistrictEric Dehart
Fire-based Emergency AmbulanceRipon Consolidated Fire DistrictPat Burns
ALS FireStockton Fire DepartmentBryan Carr
BLS FireLodi Fire DepartmentKen Johnson
Non fire-based ParamedicManteca District AmbulanceVince Stroup
Non fire-based EMTManteca District Ambulance Lucas Mejia
Emergency Medical DispatcherStockton Fire DepartmentAnna Josephson
Law Enforcement San Joaquin County Sheriff's OfficeNicholas Taiariol

MPDS Quality Improvement Committee

The Medical Priority Dispatch System Quality Improvement Committee (MPDS QI Committee) is a multi-disciplinary peer review committee established to monitor, review, evaluate, and improve the quality of the performance and care given to callers requesting medical emergency services in San Joaquin County. The MPDS QI Committee shall provide input and review matters related to the performance of MPDS and other related policies and procedures and shall review performance and adherence to standards. This meeting is not open to the public.

Nov 10, 202211:30-12:30SJGH Conference Room 1a/bNov 2022
Feb 9, 202311:30-12:30Robert J. Cabral Agricultural Center, Calaveras RoomFeb 2023
May 11, 202311:30-12:30Robert J. Cabral Agricultural Center, Calaveras RoomMay 2023
Aug 10, 202311:30-12:30Robert J. Cabral Agricultural Center, Calaveras RoomAug 2023
Nov 9, 202311:30-12:30Robert J. Cabral Agricultural Center, Mokelumne RoomNov 2023
Feb 8, 202411:30-12:30SJCEMSA ClassroomFeb 2024
May 9, 202411:30-12:30Robert J. Cabral Agricultural Center, Assembly Room 1May 2024
Aug 22, 202410:00-11:00SJCEMSA Classroom Aug 2024
Nov 14, 202411:30-12:30Robert J. Cabral Agricultural Center 
Feb 13, 202511:30-12:30TBD 
May 8, 202511:30-12:30TBD 
Aug 14, 202511:30-12:30TBD 
Nov 13, 202511:30-12:30TBD 


Trauma Audit Committee

The Trauma Audit Committee (TAC) is a physical level review committee established to review selected cases based on audit criteria with the goal of reducing trauma patient morbidity and mortality and improving the provision of care to trauma patients in the EMS system. TAC is a required component of the San Joaquin County EMS Agency’s (SJCEMSA) approved trauma system plan. TAC meets on a quarterly basis. This meeting is not open to the public.

Stroke Quality Improvement Committee

The Stroke Quality Improvement Committee (Stroke QIC) is an EMS System level multi-disciplinary peer committee established to monitor, review, evaluate, and improve the provision of care to Stroke patients in the EMS System and advise the EMS Medical Director on Stroke related education, training, quality improvement, and data collection. Stroke QIC meets on a quarterly basis. This meeting is not open to the public.

STEMI Quality Improvement Committee

The STEMI Quality Improvement Committee (STEMI QIC) is an EMS System level multi-disciplinary peer committee established to monitor, review, evaluate, and improve the provision of care to STEMI patients in the EMS System and advise the EMS Medical Director on STEMI related education, training, quality improvement, and data collection. STEMI QIC meets on a quarterly basis. This meeting is not open to the public.

Continuous Quality Improvement Council

The San Joaquin County EMS Agency facilitates a system-wide Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Program to monitor, review, evaluate, and improve the delivery of prehospital care services. The CQI Council meets the second Thursday of the odd number month at 1400 and are held in the EMS Classroom, 505 W. Service Road, French Camp, CA 95231, unless otherwise. This meeting is not open to the public. To learn more about the CQI Council, visit the Continuous Quality Improvement webpage.

Emergency Preparedness Committee

The Emergency Preparedness Committee meets the third Tuesday of the month from 1430-1600 hrs. Visit the Emergency Preparedness page for more information. This meeting is not open to the public.

View the 2025 Emergency Preparedness Committee Schedule