Emergency Medical Services

Emergency Preparedness

The Emergency Preparedness Committee meets on the 3rd Tuesday of the month (2:30pm to 4:00pm).

2025 EPC Meeting Schedule

The Emergency Preparedness Committee (EPC) is one of the functional groups of the San Joaquin Operational Area Healthcare Coalition and consists of the Emergency Preparedness Coordinators from member agencies and organizations.  The purpose of the committee is to provide a forum for joint emergency preparedness planning, training, exercising and information sharing. In addition active members are responsible for the completing the required deliverables for the Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP) grant and determining how to use grant funds to improved and sustain healthcare preparedness capabilities. See Healthcare Coalition Governance Appendix B for additional information.

Direct questions to Phil Cook, Disaster Medical Health Specialist at 209-468-6818 or by email pcook@sjgov.org.

San Joaquin County Medical Network (Med Net) Radio System

Exercise Planning Worksheet Video Tutorial

Exercise Controller and Evaluator Training Video (MP4)

San Joaquin Operational Area Healthcare Coalition Behavioral Health Seminar/Tabletop Exercise

Situation Manual (Word)

Multimedia Presentation (PowerPoint)

Direct questions to Phil Cook at 206-468-6818 or pcook@sjgov.org.

Free Virtual 15 ‘til 50 Mass Casualty Incident Response for Healthcare Facilities Training Webinar

Incident Planning Process for Extended Operations Course Materials

HAM Radio Just in Time Training Resources

These training resources consist of a series of presentations intended to teach members of the San Joaquin Operational Area Healthcare Coalition, healthcare professionals and volunteers how to operate pre-programmed amateur radio equipment found at healthcare facilities in San Joaquin County.

They are intended to provide basic “how-to” information and are not a full course in radio operation. The Power Point presentations can be downloaded and modified to meet the need of each individual healthcare facility, i.e., add a slide describing where your amateur radio is located.

Clicking on Narrated Power Point and Windows Media Video links below will prompt downloads, while clicking on You Tube Video will open a new window to view on You Tube.

Just-In-Time ResourceSelect choice of view/download method from below
Using Ham RadiosNarrated Power PointWindows Media VideoYou Tube Video
Kenwood D710ANarrated Power PointWindows Media VideoYou Tube Video
Kenwood TM-G707Narrated Power PointWindows Media VideoYou Tube Video
Kenwood TM-V7ANarrated Power PointWindows Media VideoYou Tube Video
Yaesu FT-60Narrated Power PointWindows Media VideoYou Tube Video
Yaesu VX-170Narrated Power PointWindows Media VideoYou Tube Video
Yaesu FT-270Narrated Power PointWindows Media VideoYou Tube Video
Healthcare Ham Radio Communications Drill DemonstrationYou Tube Video

Healthcare HAM Radio Communications Drill Information and Instructions (PDF)

Downloadable Presentations

Online Presentations


View the ICS Planning Cycle Playlist to view all of the "Planning P" cycles below:

  • Introduction to the ICS Planning Cycle
  • Agency Administration Briefing
  • Incident Briefing
  • Initial Unified Command Meeting
  • Strategy Meeting
  • Tactics Meeting
  • Preparation for Planning Meeting
  • Planning Meeting
  • IAP Preparation and Approval
  • Operational Planning Meeting
  • Conclusion - Execute Plan and Assess

The Disaster Healthcare Volunteers (DHV) is a secured and confidential online registry of licensed healthcare professionals interested in volunteering during disasters. The system is designed to validate the credentials of healthcare professionals before an emergency to expedite the deployment of volunteers as quickly and efficiently as possible. Non-medical support personnel (logistics, communications, amateur radio operators, etc.) are also encouraged to volunteer. Volunteers in San Joaquin County will be notified and activated by the EMS Agency. For more information contact Phil Cook, Disaster Medical Health Specialist at (209) 468-6818 or by email pcook@sjgov.org.

To register go to https://healthcarevolunteers.ca.gov/ 

To request volunteers for a mission, click here for the DHV Mission Request Form
Example of Completed Form

Directions for volunteers regarding mission assignments, click here for the DHV Mission Assignment Guide.

California Disaster Healthcare Volunteer Handbook, click here for the Disaster Healthcare Volunteer Handbook.

All members of the Disaster Healthcare Volunteers (DHV) are eligible to receive state-funded workers’ compensation benefits for their services protecting the health and safety, and preserving the lives and property of the people of the state. This program was established to protect such volunteers from financial loss as a result of injuries sustained while engaged in disaster service activities and to provide immunity from liability while providing disaster services.

To register, complete the Disaster Service Workers Registration Form and mail the original to the San Joaquin County EMS Agency – P.O. Box 220, French Camp, CA 95231.

Click here for more information about the Disaster Service Workers Program

Disaster Service Worker Program Overview Video

The purpose of the San Joaquin Operational Area EOC Medical Health Branch Plan is to guide the activation and operation of the Medical Health Branch in response to a disaster that severely impacts the healthcare delivery system, public and/or environmental health.

Incident Management Systems (NIMS, SEMS, ICS, and HICS)

Hospital Incident Command System (HICS)
The Hospital Incident Command System (HICS) is an incident management system based upon the Incident Command System (ICS), which assists hospitals in improving their emergency management planning, response, and recovery capabilities for unplanned and planned events. HICS is consistent with ICS and the National Incident Management System (NIMS) principles. HICS will strengthen hospital disaster preparedness activities in conjunction with community response agencies and allow hospitals to understand and assist in implementing the 17 Elements of the hospital-based NIMS guidelines.

The HICS Guidebook, Job Action Sheets, Forms, etc. are available from the California Emergency Medical Services Authority web site.

National Incident Management System (NIMS)

Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS)

Incident Command System (ICS)

Active Shooter

FBI Active Shooter Information - Information Page: includes links to Run, Hide, Fight videos and training materials.

CISA Active Shooter Preparedness Resources

Active Shooter Workshop
Active Shooter Emergency Action Plan video (1:36:24)
Options for Consideration video (7:52)


HazMat References for Management of Contaminated Patients

Click here for a list of hazardous materials references.

California Department of Transportation

California Emergency Functions

Crosswalk between California Emergency Functions and Federal Emergency System Functions  

MACS Mode Definitions

Macs Mode Definitions