Claim for Refund / Correction of Taxes

Examples of requests that the Tax Collector will deny

There are no provisions in State law permitting Treasurer-Tax Collector to waive penalties in the examples below. Requests to waive penalties for the reasons below will be denied:

  1. I did not receive a tax bill (RTC 2610.5, 2610.6, 2910.1).
  2. I thought my mortgage company was going to pay.
  3. My bank did not make the payment until after the deadline.
  4. I have paid on time in the past for many years and think I should not be penalized this time.
  5. Payment arrived after delinquent date with no postmark from US Postal Service (RTC 2512).
  6. I cannot afford tax payment.
  7. I am new homeowner and I did not know I owed taxes.

If you are unable to submit a from digitally you can fill out a paper form and either mail it or return it to our office in person. 

44 N. San Joaquin St. Suite 150
Stockton, CA 95202