Registration FAQs

Who may register to vote?

You can register to vote if you are:

  • A United States citizen and a resident of California,
  • 18 years old or older on Election Day,
  • Not currently serving a state or federal prison term for the conviction of a felony, and
  • Not currently found mentally incompetent to vote by a court.
How do I register to vote? You can fill out a voter registration card (be sure to sign it and mail it in) or you can register online at
How can I get a form to register to vote?

By mail: Mail in Registration Forms are available at most government offices, public libraries, post offices, and the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).

By phone: Call the Registrar of Voters' office at (800) 400-5009.

Fill out a Voter Registration Form. This form must be printed, completed, signed and returned to our office either in person or by mail. We cannot accept faxed or emailed Voter Registration Forms.

By Internet: The California Secretary of State offers an Online Voter Registration Form and downloadable forms. Voter Registration | California Secretary of State



In Person: Go to the Registrar of Voters' office located at 44 N San Joaquin Street, Suite 350, Stockton, CA 95202.


May I register to vote at my business address or may I use my PO Box number? No. A person may register to vote only at his or her place of residence. A business address or PO Box may be used only for mailing purposes.
What if my name, address, or political party affiliation changes?

You must re-register any time you move, change your name, or want to change your political party. Your voter registration should have your current residence address to ensure that you receive the correct ballot material regarding candidates and measures.

What if I just moved and did not re-register? Will I be eligible to vote?

Yes. If you were previously registered in San Joaquin County and have moved within the county’s borders, you can vote a provisional ballot at your new polling place.

What if I forgot to put all the required information on the registration card?

Our office will send you a letter requesting you provide the required information. You will not be registered to vote until the information is received.

Is identification required to register?

Yes. The Help America Vote Act (HAVA), enacted by Congress in October of 2002, states that individuals registering to vote for the first time in the state/jurisdiction must provide either a valid California driver's license or state ID card number. Applicants who do not have either can provide the last four digits of their Social Security number. If the voter provides a driver’s license or state ID number when he/she registers to vote, and the number can be matched to a state record, then the voter will not be required to show ID when he/she votes.

If you do not provide a CA driver’s license, or state ID card number, you may be required to show ID when you vote.
Click here for a list of Satisfactory Proof of Identity for voting purposes.


How do I know that I am registered to vote?

A voter notification card will be mailed advising you that you are registered to vote. If you do not receive this card within 4-6 weeks after you have registered please contact our office at (209) 468-2890. My Voter Status | California Secretary of State

I registered at the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), why am I not registered? The DMV form has a check box for voters who wish to register. After checking this box, the voter must still complete the voter registration form in order to become a registered voter. If you feel both of these steps were completed, please contact our office at (209) 468-2890.
Why is DMV involved in voter registration? The National Voter Registration Act of 1993 permits persons conducting business at a DMV office to register to vote or update voter registration information.
I did not vote in the last election. Do I need to re-register? No. You are registered to vote as long as you remain at the same address and have voted within the last 4 years. You should continue to receive election material in the mail.
I became a new citizen after the registration deadline. Can I still register to vote? Yes. Persons who become citizens after the close of registration may vote only in the Election between the 14th day before an election and ending at the close of polls on the Election Day following the date on which that person became a citizen. New Citizens must present a Certificate of Naturalization and declare that they have established residence in San Joaquin County.
May I sign a petition if I am not registered to vote? No. You must be a registered voter in order for your signature to be valid on a petition.
Do you ever remove my name from the voter registration file? Yes. If you move to a different address or have not voted in the last 4 years, you may be sent a notice requesting that you either confirm that you have not moved or provide a current residence address. Your registration may be cancelled for failure to respond to the notice or if you do not vote in any elections for 4 years after you receive the notice.
Is it true that voter registration lists are used to select citizens for jury duty? Yes. Jury summons are pulled from the voter registration files and the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) records.
I no longer want to be a registered voter in San Joaquin County. How do I remove my name from the active voter list?

To cancel your own voter registration, our office requires a written statement that you no longer want to be registered in San Joaquin County. In the written statement, include your name, address, date of birth, and signature. You may submit your written statement to our office by mail or fax.

By Mail:

San Joaquin County Registrar of Voters
PO Box 810
Stockton, CA 95201

By Fax:

(209) 468 9534

You may do so by using the following form: 
Cancel Voter Registration Form
How do I notify the voter registration office that another voter needs to be cancelled?

If a voter has passed away, immediate family members can call our office to request that we cancel the voter’s registration. All others need to send in a written request to cancel the deceased voter’s registration.

If you believe a voter no longer lives in San Joaquin County, please provide their name and prior address in the county as well as their new address if known. Staff will attempt to contact the voter to verify their new address and registration status.

Updated February 06, 2025