Mission: To provide San Joaquin County employees with innovative transportation solutions

Vision: To enable complete customer satisfaction with our products and services, each and every time


  • Customer Service: focus on the customer’s mission, understand and anticipate needs to create innovative solutions that are effective and efficient
  • Professionalism: respect the for laws, principles, and ethics of our business, pride and integrity in the services we offer, environmental responsibility
  • Communication: Free flow of information up, down and across our organization that is timely and relevant
  • Transparency: open and honest communication, our processes and business functions are shared; we admit our mistakes and address our shortcomings
  • Forward Focus: Simplify processes, anticipate needs, embrace technology, and integrate industry proven best practices into our business
  • Safety: Maintain safe work practices and policies, provide safe equipment and vehicles, enable safety through education

Fleet Services Division provides a large range of services for County employees. Solutions for daily rentals, leasing, and asset management are the core of the Division's mission. The Division operates six fueling sites, three maintenance facilities, a daily rental pool, and a law enforcement vehicle fabrication shop.

Vehicles and equipment are equipped and maintained by the Division at three locations. In addition to providing normal fleet maintenance, the Division provides repair services for county bridges, ferries, compressed natural gas (CNG) stations, stationary generators, and utility district pump stations.

The Division offers daily, short-term, and long-term rentals dependent upon customer requirements. Rentals include several different classes and types of vehicles that are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Fleet Services has installed an internet based, self-serve rental system (SJCars) at two departmental sites, which allows customers to reserve and self-serve their transportation solutions and reduce the cost of vehicle ownership and operation.

Fleet Services manages fuel access and inventory through seven fuel sites located throughout the County. The Division operates and maintains the access, dispensing, tank, and safety systems at each site. The sites are a mix of above and below ground tanks, which are subject to ever changing regulations.

Ultimately, the Fleet Services Division is the operating portion of the San Joaquin County Fleet Services Internal Services Fund (ISF) which is the instrument that provides funding for the operation and replacement of County-owned automotive assets. The ISF operates on a break-even basis and seeks to charge customers no more than is required to recover operating and capital replacement expenses

Public Works Department
Fleet Services Team
Kevin Myose, Fleet Manager
444 South Wilson Way
Stockton, CA 95205
Phone: (209) 468-3104 
Fax: (209) 468-3098


Fleet Manager: Kevin Myose

Management Analyst III: Kimberley Harris

Management Analyst II: Lillian Widemon

Management Analyst II: Garry Simpson


Heavy Equipment: 

Aurelio "Rue" Munoz (209) 468-3094

Light Equipment: 

Miguel Aguilera (209) 468-3105

Parts: (209) 468-3092

Honor Farm:

Michael Stickel (209) 468-4645

SJ Cars - Daily Rentals

Toby Baptiste  (209) 468-2068