Human Resources Division

Recruitment Process

The Recruitment Process begins with the Job Announcement Bulletin. The Bulletin usually describes the steps that will be followed in the recruitment. This Bulletin is posted outside the lobby of the Human Resources Office.

The first examination step for all recruitments is review of all submitted application materials to determine if the applicant meets the minimum qualifications stated on the bulletin and has submitted a complete application. Possession of the minimum qualifications is not necessarily a guarantee of further advancement in the application process.

Depending upon the number of anticipated or actual qualified applications received, additional steps often include an application screening, written exam, performance or practical exam or an oral exam. The highest scoring applicants of a testing step proceed to the next step until an eligible list is established. Candidates remain on an eligible list for a minimum of one year and are "certified" in rank order to a hiring authority when a vacancy occurs.

Results of recruitment steps, ranking on the eligible list, and notice of certification to the hiring authority are sent to participating candidates by U.S. Mail, normally within 10 working days after each recruitment step takes place. The entire recruitment process usually lasts 6-10 weeks.