Stockton, CA – At its meeting on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, the San Joaquin County Board of Supervisors authorized fund transfers to support local businesses with a shop local initiative, “Shop San Joaquin.” Based on a recommendation from the Employment and Economic Development Department (EEDD), the Board reallocated nearly $1.2 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) dollars to fund the Shop San Joaquin program with BluDot Technologies.
Read MoreStockton, CA – At its meeting on Tuesday, May 21, the San Joaquin County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the proposal from Supervisor Steve Ding, Fourth District, for the use of his district funds to support local youth programs and parks throughout the north county. Additional funds will be used to support law enforcement goals and activities in the area, recognizing that public safety is one of the core functions of local government.
Read MoreStockton, CA – As part of its commitment to addressing homelessness, the Board of Supervisors directed a reorganization of the Neighborhood Preservation (NP) division that oversees homelessness funding and programs. The division will be moved from its current location as part of the Health Care Services (HCS) to the Human Services Agency (HSA), which oversees other homeless outreach programs.
Read MoreSTOCKTON – At its Board meeting on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, the San Joaquin County Board of Supervisors approved Supervisor Rickman’s proposal to provide $5,000 in funding for the Jacobson Elementary School Parent Association (JSPA) Student Field Trip Program.
Read MoreStockton, CA – Yesterday, the San Joaquin County Board of Supervisors proclaimed the week of May 19th – May 25th as Public Works Week in San Joaquin County. Since 1960, the American Public Works Association has sponsored National Public Works Week, during which nearly 30,000 members across North America educate and energize the public about the importance of public works in their daily lives.
Read MoreStockton, CA – At its meeting today, the San Joaquin County Board of Supervisors increased funding for local fire districts by $1.1 million annually to cover approximately a quarter of the funding they have lost because of the Proposition 172 Educational Revenue Augmentation Funds (ERAF) shift since 1993. The funds will be distributed between the nineteen districts within the County that are currently impacted by Prop 172 funding shifts.
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