Auditor Controller


Select a form from the list below. Forms will open on a new window. A form may then be printed, completed and send to the Auditor's Office for processing. You need Adobe Reader to open the forms. See below for instructions.


  1. Right Click on one of the forms and choose SAVE TARGET AS. Then save the form on your computer. Please note the location. You will open this saved form in the next step. 
  2. Click on the saved icon to open the form in acrobat. Follow the printing instructions to print the form.
  3. Complete the form.
  4. If supervisor approval is required then obtain the supervisor's approval.
  5. Send the form through inter-office mail or simply drop it at the Auditor's Office. Provide your contact information so the Auditor's Office may contact you if needed.

Please set your acrobat reader to display FIT WIDTH and to display a SINGLE PAGE to view the documents conveniently.


On the print panel check the shrink oversize pages and expand small pages prior to printing.


Each numbered item refers to the corresponding item number on the Expense Reimbursement Claim Form

  1. Name of employee.
  2. If warrant is to be mailed, fill in complete address. If warrant is to be sent to the department, leave this item blank.
  3. Name of the department submitting claim.
  4. Date claim prepared.
  5. Fill in the fund number, department number, and expenditure codes. Also note voucher numbers.
  6. Enter date of each trip and/or expense incurred.
  7. Enter the destination. Whenever applicable, enter the purpose of the trip. If a travel request is required, enter the travel request number.
  8. Transportation (automobile)
    • If a private car is used, enter the total number of miles for each trip. Do not use fractions of a mile.
    • If public transportation such as airplane, train, bus, taxi, etc. is used, enter the dollar amount. (See County Travel Policy).
  9. (See County Travel Policy).
  10. Actual amount of each meal. (See County Travel Policy).
  11. This column is to be used for miscellaneous expenditures such as parking, business telephone calls, registration fees, toll bridge fares, etc. Also use this column for the fixed mileage reimbursement for bridge and ferry tenders who are not in residence.
  12. Compute mileage amount by:
    • Multiplying number of miles from column No. 8 times applicable rate.
    • Enter this amount, or if you are authorized a minimum monthly car allowance, enter the larger of the two amounts in the "Total mileage amount column". (See County Travel Policy).
  13. Add total amounts per item numbers 8,9, 10, 11 & 12 and enter this amount in column No. 13 "Total claim amount" line. If you received a travel fund advance, submit your claim to the County Administrative Office. He will enter the travel advance amount, and the amount to be reimbursed to the employee, and will forward the claim to the County Auditor for processing.
  14. To be signed by employee incurring expenses.
  15. Self explanatory.
  16. Self explanatory.

Notarized Affidavit

If the dollar amount of the warrant is $100 or greater, the completed Affidavit MUST be notarized. Acknowledgment Section needs to be completed when notarized.