Environmental Health Department

Small Public Water Systems (SPWS)

The purpose of this program is to protect public health and prevent disease by assuring that small public water supplies are at all times safe, potable and available in adequate quantity. The EHD has been delegated authority as a Local Primacy Agency by the State Department of Health Services for the inspection and surveillance of small public water systems (15 to 200 service connections or greater than 25 consumers) in San Joaquin County. Regulation of State Small Public Water systems (having between 5 and 14 service connections) is also performed as required by State law.

California Health and Safety Code Sections 116330-116345, and 116800.
Annual Operating Fees, General Funds, Fees for Service and Fines for Non-Compliance.
Business Owners/Operators, Schools, County and Community Water System Operators, Residents, Consumers, Contractors, Analytical Laboratories.
358 Small Public Water Systems.
Information Contact
Contact      Title      Phone 
Navjot Sahota
     Senior Registered Environmental Health Specialist     (209) 468-3178
Mai Vue     Senior Registered Environmental Health Specialist     (209) 468-3284
Natalia Subbotnikova     Program Coordinator, REHS      (209) 468-0338