The purpose of the Unified Program is to consolidate, coordinate and make consistent the administrative requirements, permitting, inspection activities, enforcement activities and fees for hazardous waste and hazardous materials programs in each jurisdiction. The EHD was approved by the State as the CUPA for San Joaquin County in January of 1997. The EHD administers the Hazardous Material Business Plan, California Accidental Release Prevention (Cal-ARP), Aboveground Petroleum Storage Act, Hazardous Waste Generator, Hazardous Waste Onsite Treatment (Tiered Permitting) and Underground Storage Tank program.
California Health and Safety Code Section 25180; San Joaquin County Board of Supervisors Resolution R-95-760 and SJC Ordinance No. 4432.
Aboveground Petroleum Storage Act (APSA)
California Accidental Release Prevention (CalARP) Program
Hazardous Materials Business Plan Program
Hazardous Waste Generator Program
Hazardous Waste Tiered Permitting
Underground Storage Tanks (UST)
Routine UST monitoring system certification and secondary containment testing must be scheduled by email to or fax (209) 468-3433 at least 48 hours prior to the appointment date and time.
Service Request inspections must be scheduled by telephone or email communication with the area inspector at least 48 hours prior to the appointment.