Visit California Department of Child Support Services for additional updates
The conditions with the Coronavirus (COVID-19) are rapidly changing. San Joaquin County Child Support Services will update this page regularly with new information regarding changes to our services.
To protect your privacy, we are not able to communicate by social media.
Disbursement of paper checks may be delayed. Consider enrolling in direct deposit or requesting an Electronic Payment Card (EPC).
The California State Disbursement Unit remains open and will continue to process and disburse payments.
If you are experiencing a change of circumstances, such as loss of income, request to change (modify) your order by contacting us. We can also help you and the other parent reach an agreement (stipulation) to change your order.
You will still pay the same amount in child support unless you change your order or reach an agreement. If you cannot come to an agreement, then we will schedule a court hearing. Due to the court's closure, court hearing dates will be scheduled 4-6 months from now.
Effective 1/4/21: Court appearances are now being held telephonically. Please refer to the Telephonic Hearing Instructions for
steps on how to join the conference call on the date of your hearing.
Automated actions for bank levies and driver's license suspensions have been stopped. If you receive notification of either of these actions, please contact us at (866) 901-3212.
For the latest information and steps you can take to protect yourself, visit the websites for the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the San Joaquin County Public Health Services.